C-10 Implementation of Program Standards/Course Content
GAP ANALYSISA GAP ANALYSIS is an important document that shows the state required standards and the level at which those standards are taught. When the CTE Program has new standards or has gone through the state review and revision process, a new GAP analysis should be completed.
There are two acceptable forms for documentation. One is an electronic form with radio buttons which should be completed, saved as a PDF onto your computer, and uploaded into the appropriate box in Navigator under C10. Directions are listed below. The other form is an excel sheet found under the RESOURCES Tab in Navigator. Once completed, this also must be uploaded into the Navigator C10 area of the CIP Self-Review for your program. SyllabiEvery state approved CTE course in a Program must have a Syllabus. The Course/Program description, a grading system, classroom rules, what will be taught in the course, student expectations, and contact information are all important parts of a syllabus. Most schools have a template to follow for the syllabi developed for their programs. OCTE has a very basic template with requirements you can see below. Also included here is a Syllabus template used by the Genesee Career Institute after a year of instructor input and school improvement development. Feel free to use all or parts as you desire.
Instructional Design FormOne of these completed instructional design forms (segment delivery model) must be a part of your CIP Self-review evidence. It is a good practice to have CTE teachers complete this annually and sign and date it. This must be completed each academic year to assure nothing has changed since last year.
SafetySafety is a critical piece of every CTE Program. Evidence that your program incorporates all of the CTE Safety standards for student safety in your program is a safety check list recording the satisfactory completion. A sample template is included here for your use if you choose to use the format. Please black out student last names prior to uploading to the Navigator website for security safety of our students. It is not necessary to include building safety in this section. Fire drills, etc. are also not necessary to upload. We have also included some safety resources below.
Work-Based LearningEvery CTE student should have at least one related work-based learning experience. A similar check sheet to that used for Safety will provide evidence that all students participated in this crucial part of the CTE training experience. Most students will have more than one opportunity to learn from the work place environment. This is a state requirement and the paperwork that must be generated for student safety and district compliance should be a part of this as well. One document included here is an introduction to work based learning. Student names should be blacked out.
LeadershipLeadership is stressed for every CTE students. Some students do Community Service. Some engage in competitions with other schools. Most are involved in a Career and Technical Student Organization and do all of these! Below are some examples of Leadership activities, evidence, and a CTSO Power Point for your introduction.
C-10 CIP Self Review Guidelines from MDE 9/2015This is one center's definition of a completer and includes all essential elements required by the State of Michigan.
MICCDA members have contributed numerous examples of documentation used by various programs to provide evidence of compliance and promising practices. The MICCDA organization does not ensure the accuracy or necessity of this documentation. These are simply examples that educators and administrators can use to determine what documentation may be needed for their programs. All documents were given freely to the organization and not endorsed in any way by MICCDA. |