C-16 - Secondary-Postsecondary Connections
A Program of Study and articulation agreements demonstrate the integral relationship between CTE Secondary Programs and their companion Post-secondary programs to assure student success. At least one POS should be available in every state approved CTE Program. There are many statewide articulation agreements available in Michigan from Davenport University, Ferris State University, Central Michigan University, and several other Post-secondary institutions.
For access to official State-wide Articulation Links from the MDE Office of Career and Technical Education, click here.
Upload at least one of the four required documents (program of study, or articulation agreement, or concurrent/dual enrollment, or direct credit) in the correct section of C16. You can upload more than one piece of evidence.You do not have to upload something in every section.
Section 1: Program of Study. It should show a clear path that leads students through high school and the completion of the degree at the post-secondary institution. Be sure to include the program PSN on the program of study. This must be added if you use a statewide agreement. There are several statewide agreements with program of study pages between MDE and different Post-Secondary Institutions available through links on the MDE-OCTE webpage at: www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_2629_68426---,00.html Section 2: Articulation Agreement - this should be for the current year. Be sure to include the program PSN on the program of study. This must be added if you use a statewide agreement. There are several statewide agreements between MDE and different Post-Secondary Institutions available through links on the MDE-OCTE webpage at: www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_2629_68426---,00.html Section 3: Concurrent Enrollment/Dual enrollment - upload proof of a partnership between the program and a Post-Secondary institution. Section 4: Direct Credit - upload proof of a direct credit partnership between the program and a Post-Secondary institution. ----- MICCDA members have contributed numerous examples of documentation used by various programs to provide evidence of compliance and promising practices. The MICCDA organization does not ensure the accuracy or necessity of this documentation. These are simply examples that educators and administrators can use to determine what documentation may be needed for their programs. All documents were given freely to the organization and not endorsed in any way by MICCDA.
C-16 CIP Self Review Guidelines from MDE 9/2015Checklist of Required Components